So there's a place to record what's been going on in our lives. For one thing, we have a show coming up at Rock & Roll Hotel that we are super excited about! It's with High Waisted, an amazing Brooklyn based Garage Pop Surf quartet. I love their sound and just their whole vibe. And the rest of this killer lineup? the Merciless Howl, and Ducts! It's on a Wednesday, so I hope some of you all can make it out!
We had a great run of shows early in the year at Cafe Nola, Milkboy ArtHouse, Evening Star Cafe, and Galaxy Hut. I got our latest album Shed up on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, ReverbNation, and our own Listen Page, of course! Did I miss anything? Jeff and I have had our heads buried in the books and we both have about a year left at our respective colleges. It' been pretty tough to find the time to sit down and write since we started that, but summer is not too far away! You can expect to see us do a little touring in July.
Last summer's open mic tour was really fun, but I'm thinking we might go for a few quality shows over quantities of cities this time around. And maybe we'll go north and get a little of that cool breeze...
Here's a picture from the Galentine Gala at Evening Star earlier this month, courtesy of @thebeanstalklibrary!
As always, thank you, thank you, thank you all for coming out and making these shows awesome!
